We are the noteworthy service providers for best PRP Treatment for men in Manchester offering our male patients an effective solution for hair regrowth without any surgery. Highly concentrated growth factors stimulate new hair growth and make them healthier.
In this procedure, blood is drawn from the patient and processed to separate platelets from it. Then it is injected on the scalp in order to prompt the newly active hair follicles to enter into a new growth state.
Platelets rich plasma therapy has fruitful results for male pattern baldness with us. This plasma repair blood vessels, accelerate Collagen production and promote cell growth and wound healing.
With our recommended PRP treatment in Manchester you can get the desired results within three months to see an improvement.
This treatment may cause problems like itching, scalp tenderness and swelling. You can also feel mild pain and temporary bleeding at the injection site.
Male patients having no thyroid diseases or lupus can take the help of this treatment at a decent PRP Treatment for men cost.