PRP therapy for hair loss in Mumbai involves a three-step medical treatment. The three-step medical treatment is the kind wherein the person’s blood is drawn and processed. Following this, the same plasma is then injected onto the head.
Multiple studies have found that PRP injections actually help in the growth of natural hair without any side effects other than increased growth in facial hair in some women. Further, it also helps the individual in maintaining hair growth as it increases the blood supply to the hair follicle. The patient is also found to be experiencing thickness in the hair shaft. This approach is often combined with other hair loss procedures or medications that eventually help in the longer run.
This type of treatment for hair loss is especially useful to the kind of patients who have incurred an injury and are thus, facing hair loss. One of the things that people worry about the most when opting for any type of hair loss treatment is its cost. However, PRP therapy costs in Mumbai are not sky-rocketing. There are numerous clinics that offer a reasonable PRP therapy cost in Mumbai.